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Arizona & Lillio Academy

Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Arizona?

Yes! Lillio Academy is an approved organization by the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry. HiMama Academy’s registry ID is 100087712. 

Please Note: All Webinars and Lillio Basic Courses must NOT be submitted to your registry. They do not meet specific learning requirements for the state and will not be accepted if submitted.

Sign up for Lillio Academy to complete your professional development hours at your convenience! You can work at your own pace from wherever you want. Once you complete a course, you can download your certificate. Your attendance will be submitted directly to The Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry.

Arizona Childcare Training Requirements:

Each staff member who provides child care services must complete 18 hours of training every 12 months after the effective date of hire in at least two topics listed in this subsection:

  • Child growth and development, including: 

    • Infant growth and development, which may include sudden infant death syndrome prevention

    • Developmental psychology

    • Language development

    • Observation and Child Assessment

    • Developmentally-appropriate activities

    • Child guidance and methods of discipline, which may include training on the appropriate techniques to prevent a child from harm or to prevent the child from harming others

    • Developmentally-appropriate activity areas; 

  • Health and safety issues, including: 

    • Accident and emergency procedures, including CPR and first aid for infants and children

    • Recognition of signs of illness and infestation

    • Nutrition and developmentally appropriate eating habits

    • Child abuse detection, reporting, and prevention

    • Safety of indoor and outdoor activity areas

    • Sun safety policies and procedures

  • Program administration, planning, development, or management

  • Availability of community services and resources, including those available to children with special needs

As part of the required 18 hours of training, a staff member who has less than 12 months of child care experience before the staff member’s starting date must complete at least 12 hours in one or more of the topics in child growth and development in the staff member’s first 12 months at the facility. A staff member with 12 months or more of child care experience must complete at least 6 hours in one or more of the child growth and development topics every 12 months after the staff member’s starting date. A staff member who provides child care services to an infant must complete at least 6 hours in infant growth and development every 12 months after the staff member’s starting date. A facility director must complete at least 6 hours in program administration, planning, development, or management every 12 months after the facility director’s starting date.

Click here to learn more about the courses Lillio Academy offers covering required training topics! 

Is there funding available for Lillio Academy in Arizona? 

The First Things First (FTF) scholarship awards scholars through the FTF Bonus Program. There are four tiers of the FTF Bonus Program. The farther a First Things First scholar advances their education, the larger the bonus they can attain.

  • Tier 1

    • $150 Bonus

    • Successfully complete six credit hours in ECE/ECSE/CFS/ECA/ITD/CD

    • Obtain a CDA awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition

    • Complete 12 credits towards a degree in ECE/ECSE/CFS/ECA/ITD/CD

  • Tier 2

    • $300 Bonus

    • Complete 24 credit hours towards a degree in ECE/ECSE/CFS/ECA/ITD/CD

  • Tier 3

    • $900 Bonus

    • An Associate degree in ECE or a related field

  • Tier 4

    • $1500 Bonus

    • A Bachelor’s degree in ECE or a related field

Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:

If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for your state's specific requirements, rules and regulations. Arizona’s licensing website can be found here.

Last Updated: May 2024

Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.

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