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Maine & Lillio Academy

Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Maine?

Yes! Lillio Academy is approved by Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network and counts towards elective hours. Check with your licensing representative for clarity on elective hours. Elective trainings DO NOT help practitioners move up on the MRTQ Registry Career Lattice. 

Please Note: All Webinars and Lillio Basic Courses must NOT be submitted to your registry. They do not meet specific learning requirements for the state and will not be accepted if submitted.
Sign up for Lillio Academy to complete your professional development hours at your convenience! You can work at your own pace from wherever you want. Once you complete a course, you can download your certificate! 

Maine Child Care Training Requirements:

All childcare staff members must register with Maine’s Professional Development Network. The annual number of hours of training required is determined by the size of the program and the number of hours the childcare staff member works per week.

Size of Program 

More than 20 Hours

Less than 20 Hours

Under 13 Children 

12hrs annually

12hrs annually

Over 13 Children 

30hrs annually

18hrs annually

In order to count towards the required number of training hours per year, training must reflect current research of best practices relating to skills necessary for the child care workforce to meet the needs of children and be appropriate for the population of children served by the child care facility. 

Training topics may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Healthy, safe environments

  • Child development

  • Observation and assessment

  • Developmentally appropriate practice

  • Guidance

  • Relationships with families

  • Individual and cultural diversity

  • Children with special needs

  • Business

  • Professional development

  • Child care practices.

The program must document all orientation and ongoing staff training by proof of completion from a qualified online or in-person source.

Click here to learn more about the courses Lillio Academy offers covering required training topics! 

Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:

If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for your state's specific requirements, rules, and regulations. The Maine licensing website can be found here.

Last Updated: May 2024

Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.

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