Manitoba & Lillio Academy
Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Manitoba?
Yes! Lillio Academy courses meet the standards of professional learning units outlined by the Government of Manitoba. Acceptance is up to the discretion of individual districts, so check with your center supervisor.
Sign up for Lillio Academy to complete your professional development hours at your convenience! You can work at your own pace from wherever you want. Once you complete a course, you can download your certificate!
Manitoba Child Care Training Requirements:
According to the Best Practices Licensing Manual for Early Learning and Child Care Centers, center directors, Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), and Child Care Assistants (CCAs) are required to complete 24 hours of professional development annually. Professional development activities include home visits, written resource materials, mentoring, workshops, and certificate courses.
CCAs must complete 40 hours of training in child development within their first year of employment. Boards of directors/operators develop formal contract agreements with CCAs in training to map out professional development plans leading to an ECE credential through an approved training program. The contract outlines an end date for training and the support provided by the center during training, including course fee payment and incremental increases in pay during training.
Training competency areas include the following:
Learning environment
Physical and cognitive development
Program management
Click here to learn more about the courses Lillio Academy offers that cover required training topics!
Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:
If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for your state's specific requirements, rules, and regulations. The Manitoba licensing website can be found here.
Last Updated: May 2024
Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.