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Wisconsin & Lillio Academy

Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Wisconsin?

Yes! Lillio Academy is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Child and Families, the Wisconsin Registry, and the Professional Development Approval System (PDAS). Lillio Academy’s Organization number is 64596, and our Registry ID is 161404.

Please Note: All Webinars and Lillio Basic Courses must NOT be submitted to your registry. They do not meet specific learning requirements for the state and will not be accepted if submitted.

Sign up for Lillio Academy to complete your professional development hours at your convenience! You can work at your own pace from wherever you want. Once you complete a course, you can download your certificate! Wisconsin course approval codes will be on all certificates. Your attendance will be submitted to The Wisconsin Registry.

Wisconsin Child Care Training Requirements: 

In accordance with DCF 251.05, each administrator, center director, child care worker, school-age administrator, and school-age director is required to participate in at least 15 hours of continuing education annually. Each administrator, center director, and child care worker shall have documentation of the 12-month period included in their training year for meeting continuing education requirements and begin a new training year in the same month each year.

Acceptable training types:

  • Formal courses resulting in credits or continuing education units 

  • Workshops, conferences, seminars, lectures, correspondence courses, and home study courses

  • Training is offered by the child care center through the use of guest or staff trainers

  • Documented observation time in other early childhood programs

  • Web-based training

  • Independent reading

  • Viewing educational materials, including videos, lesson plans, and websites

 Continuing education may be in any of the following topics:

  • Prevention and control of infectious diseases

  • Medication administration

  • Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions

  • Identification of and protection from hazards

  • Building and physical premises safety

  • Emergency preparedness and response planning

  • Handling and storage of hazardous materials

  • Handling and disposal of bio-contaminants

  • Child growth and development

  • Caring for children with disabilities

  • Guiding children’s behavior

  • Nutrition

  • Physical activity

  • Transportation safety

  • Identification and reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  • First aid

  • Business operations

  • Any other topic that promotes child development or protects children’s health or safety

Click here to learn more about the courses Lillio Academy offers covering required training topics! 

Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:

If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for your state's specific requirements, rules, and regulations. The Wisconsin licensing website can be found here.

Last Updated: May 2024

Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.

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