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Not Approved

Yukon & Lillio Academy

Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Yukon?

Lillio Academy is currently not approved by the Yukon Government, as they do not approve out-of-province trainers or training.
You can still sign up for Lillio Academy to grow your knowledge and skills as an early educator, and connect with other educators on shared learning topics.

Yukon Child Care Training Requirements:  

In Yukon, all staff working in center-based programs and included in the child-to-staff ratio must hold a Child Care Worker certification. There are three levels of certification outlined in the Yukon Child Care Act, with an additional two levels of certification described in the Child Care Act. Of center staff, 20% must meet or exceed Child Care Worker III qualifications, 30% must meet or exceed Child Care Worker II qualifications, and the remainder must meet or exceed Child Care Worker I qualifications. 

  • Child Care Worker III: Two or more years of training in early childhood development or equivalent. 

  • Child Care Worker II: One year of training in early childhood development or equivalent. 

  • Child Care Worker I: 60-hour introduction to an early childhood development course or equivalent. 

  • Child Care Worker IA and IIA are those working toward the designation. 

Yukon, certification does not expire; there are no renewal requirements. Ongoing professional development to maintain certification is not required. However, in Yukon, individuals with degrees or diplomas in a related field, who are classified as Child Care Worker Level III, are required to take an additional early child development course and renew their certification yearly. A degree or diploma in the Health and Social Sciences fields or a Bachelor of Education is considered equivalent to a Child Care Worker level III. However, applicants must first complete a 45-hour early childhood development course. They also must reapply for designation each year and provide proof of successful completion of ECD/ECE coursework on an annual basis.

Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:

If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for the specific requirements, rules, and regulations of your state. The Yukon licensing website can be found here.

Last Updated: May 2024

Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.

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