Privacy, staff motivation and data retention some things to consider
Webcams can create a stressful environment; why HiMama is different.
If you work in the field of child care and early learning then you are likely aware of webcam technology which has been available for a number of years now. Some daycares have these live-streaming webcams installed in their classrooms so that parents can monitor their children from their home or office. It is meant to be especially beneficial for new parents to a center.
As HiMama is a very new innovation with video capability, it is not uncommon to ask what the difference is between HiMama technology and webcam technology. The quick answer is that they are very different, but we’ve done our best to attempt to highlight some of the key differences below:
- Accessibility of information: Webcams must be accessed by parents themselves, requiring them to go to a website for access. HiMama updates are automatically pushed to parents via email and mobile app updates, which means busy parents will receive updates daily even when they’re busy or on the go. Also, both parents will receive updates simultaneously.
- Privacy of children: Webcams will show a live feed of everything happening with all children in the classroom. HiMama updates to parents are specific to their child, providing increased privacy for both families and staff, as well as increased relevancy of information for parents.
- Context of information: Webcams stream video for parents to observe. HiMama updates provide specific information to inform parents about their child’s health and behavior and educate them on their child’s unique learning and development with photos and video. An Early Childhood Educator can provide the context around what is being learned through play and what this means for the child.
- Capturing of moments: Webcams do not record the live video for parents to relive. HiMama updates are stored in a child’s personal journal so that parents will never lose fun memories with a digital portfolio of stories, photos and videos.
- Replacement of processes: Webcams are provided over and above any required duties in a child care program. HiMama replaces, and makes more efficient, many existing processes such as documenting attendance, daily sheets and development observations.
- Retention of data: Webcams do not retain data. HiMama is used to document activities in child care programs so that reports on attendance, child health and development, and parent communications are securely retained and available for directors to manage operations.
- Superseding communications: Webcams are for observation. HiMama supersedes many traditional communication methods, such as monthly newsletters, calendars, childcare program schedules, preschool daily reports, daycare menu plans and photo galleries with more relevant (child specific) and timely (daily) HiMama updates to parents.
- Staff motivation: Webcams can create a stressful environment for ECEs who can come under constant scrutiny from watchful parents. HiMama, in contrast, allows ECEs to showcase their hard work and knowledge to parents by informing and educating them on their child’s activities. This situation often results in significant increases in staff recognition as parents see their hard work and professionalism.
In summary, the purpose and benefits of HiMama technology are extremely different to that of webcam technology. While infant daily reports are, for example, core features that we provide to child care and early learning programs, our solution is much more than this. Also, part of our mission is education, so if you’re interested in understanding these differences in more detail please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Ron is the Co-Founder of Lillio a social-purpose business that helps early childhood educators improve learning outcomes for children.
More by Ron
Ron Spreeuwenberg
January 24th, 2014
3 mins

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