Hi families!
Thank you for your interest in Lillio!
Do you want real-time updates of your your child’s day? Connect with their educators, see photos and have all their development notes recorded digitally?

Tell your center you want Lillio!
We LOVE family referrals! If you want your center to start using Lillio, copy and paste the email below to send it to your Director or Owner at your center. Feel free to personalize the message if you’d like!
Hi [Director or Owner Name],
I found this tool called Lillio that I wanted to send your way that I think would be worth your time to check out...
As a parent, it would give me:
Confidence in my child's learning by getting real-time updates on their development
Joy and appreciation in connecting me with my child's teacher by being able to see photos, videos and messages into all of the great work that they do
Feel safe as a parent by having everything recorded digitally
You can check out more here >> https://www.lillio.com/users/directors
All the best,
[Your Name]