6 Toddler Quiet Time Activities
If your toddler has stopped taking his or her afternoon nap, this doesn’t mean you have to replace this once-quiet time with a noisy or intensive activity. There are plenty of quiet, calm activity ideas out there to occupy preschoolers while other children nap.
Preschoolers are known for their high-energy levels, and that can be a lot to deal with in the classroom or even at home. If your toddler has stopped taking his or her afternoon nap, this doesn’t mean you have to replace this once-quiet time with a noisy or intensive activity. There are plenty of quiet, calm activity ideas out there to occupy preschoolers while other children nap. (Or even while their parent or teacher takes a quick breather!)
Whether you are managing a busy preschool classroom, or are a parent looking for activity ideas that help your little one wind down, we’ve got the toddler quiet time activities you need!
While offering a puzzle to a toddler may seem like an overly simple activity, they can be extremely effective for quieter moments. Not only does assembling a puzzle help toddlers develop fine motor skills, they also help strengthen special orientation and visual perception as they shift pieces around and try to pick just the right one out of the pile.
Whether you offer blank paper and crayons, a coloring book and markers, or a chalkboard and colorful chalk, coloring is an ideal independent (and quiet) activity for toddlers. With very few materials required, preschools can work on their creativity skills and create incredible works of art.
Quiet Blocks
Building blocks aren’t always necessarily a go-to when it comes to toddler quiet time activities. However, they can become much quieter when you encourage play with a new type of block! Cut different sized blocks and shapes out of sponges for super-quiet, but just as fun building materials that your toddler will love.
Gather magnets of different shapes, sizes and strengths to let preschools experiment. Use a baking tray or other flat metal surface as a work area. Many toddlers quickly become fascinated by magnets as they manipulate them and position them on the surface. Choose letter or number shaped magnets for further learning.
Collage Making
Gather materials such as glue sticks and construction paper to have toddlers make a collage. Collage materials can include pre-cut photos from magazines, tissue paper squares or even stickers. Let their imagination run wild with this easy craft!
Listening Time
Quiet time doesn’t have to be completely silent! Use this time to introduce toddlers to soft classical or jazz music, or choose an age-appropriate audiobook for them to listen to. You won’t have to do the reading, but they’ll be captivated by a new story.
For more help planning your day and scheduling in some much-needed toddler quiet time activities, check out HiMama’s childcare app. Our software allows educators to schedule their day and ensure it includes a balance of high-energy fun and quiet time learning.
Katelyn Vickers
June 5th, 2017
3 mins

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