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Arizona Early Learning Standards

Location: Arizona, US

Authors: Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines Task Force

Arizona’s Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines is a partner of the Arizona Early Learning Standards for children from 3 to 5 years of age. Both set of guidelines and standards work together to ensure proper development and growth for all children. Arizona’s Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines and the Arizona Early Learning Standards were created to define guidelines and milestones through a research-based, measurable, expectations. Both the guidelines and standards are separated into the main domains of learning while taking into account the shared responsibility of both the parents as well as educators have to ensure children are achieving developmental milestones.

Arizona’s Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines has three main goals, they are as followed; helping all individuals whom share responsibility of a child understand the developmental standards of infants and toddlers, to ensure proper growth and development both at home as well as in the classroom, and to coordinate services that benefit infants and toddlers as well as their families. It is to be of note, that the guidelines are expectations, however each child grows and develops differently. Arizona’s Infants and Toddler Developmental Guidelines promote flexibility within high quality early childhood programs.

The Arizona Early Learning Standards were created to provide standardized high quality learning for children from the ages of 3 to 5 years. The Arizona Early Learning Standards cover a broad spectrum of development and skills while providing a foundation for all children, including those with disabilities and from diverse backgrounds. As stated with Arizona’s Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines, the Arizona Early Learning Standards also places emphasis on the unique needs of each child, indicating that individual child learn in different ways, emphasizing that the standards are to be used as support and a resource, rather than a strict curriculum.

For more information, visit the Arizona Early Learning Standards website.

Lillio's work involves collaborating with early care and education associations to support their efforts in teacher empowerment and parent engagement.