Childcare Solutions for Enterprises
Create a seamless integrated experience for all your centers

A top quality program needs a top quality app. Our branded solution provides a seamless experience for your teachers and parents alike. The hierarchical platform provide more capabilities to corporate administrators, district managers and directors. HiMama is designed for a large enterprise just like yours.
First-rate technical capabilities
Flexible and robust core architecture for enterprise is scalable by design - adding hundreds of programs every month.
Dedicated team of in-house engineering team with over 50 years of combined web and mobile development experience.
Monthly product updates with thoughtful engineering and usability excellence. We are highly adaptive to customer needs, with iterative feature design.

Keep parents happy and improve retention across all centers
98% of customers say Lillio adds to their overall satisfaction with their child care provider
Partners advising you at every step
Run a pilot project to confirm the benefits in your programs. When you are comfortable to move forward we will work shoulder-to-shoulder with you on the implementation.
Bringing everyone on the journey is critical to success. We train your staff, including regional managers, site directors, and teachers, prior to getting them up and running.
Implementation is just the start. We provide full service support to your employees and families, align our product to your needs, and help you manage any risks regarding data storage and system availability.

Enable talent recruitment and retention
We believe that teachers are at their best when empowered to manage their class and build genuine relationships with families.
Lillio helps teachers to do their job. It transforms administrative tasks into something fun and enjoyable, and improves recognition of all their hard work.
We are passionate about early education. Our extensive library of blog articles and podcasts provide continuous professional learning and inspiring thought leadership.