Daycare Room Sign Templates
Having a daycare sign on the doors of each classroom allows everyone to know what age group the classroom is for, along with any specific classroom name, lead teacher, and daycare provider information. Check out these free printable daycare room sign templates that make it easy to label your learning environment or daycare center. You can add the room name and teacher name as well! These can also be used as a literacy development tool for the children to read and explore as they walk around their center, particularly on their first day.

Infant Daycare Room Sign
Use this printable room sign to mark the door of your infant room!
Toddler Daycare Room Sign
Use this printable room sign to mark the door of your toddler room!
Preschool Daycare Room Sign
Use this printable room sign to mark the door of your preschool room!
Daycare Room Signage
It is important to have signage in your childcare center so that child care providers, teachers and children all know where to go for what. Having a childcare sign on the doors of each classroom allows everyone to know what age group the classroom is for, along with any specific classroom name and the lead teacher. Check out our free printable daycare room sign templates that make it easy to label your learning environment and create a custom daycare sign. You can add the room name and teacher name as well! These can also be used as a literacy development tool for the children to read and explore as they walk around their center.
Suggestion: Print out these editable templates using card stock and then laminate or cover the room signs with clear contact paper before attaching them to the door! Alternately, use grommets and a hanger with heavy duty paper. These templates will also work for a home daycare set-up.
Check out all our other daycare printable templates.
Ready To Go Digital?
With Lillio you can get access to digital daycare templates that can speed up your paperwork.