Daycare Sign Language Alphabet Printable
Sign language can help children remember new information and learn language concepts more quickly and at a younger age. Sign language or makes abstract concepts easier for children to grasp by letting them see and feel them through sign.
Use this inviting sign language alphabet printable card for your child care center. Teach children sign language using this handy printable sign language alphabet card!

Daycare Sign Language Alphabet
Teach children sign language using this handy printable sign language alphabet card!
Daycare Sign Language Alphabet
American Sign Language (ASL signs are the standard) is a commonly used language across the world. It's a skill that encourages communication and social interaction. Sign language can be used in early childhood education to assist with child development and help children remember new information and learn language concepts more quickly and at a younger age (even basic signs in baby sign language can help infants, whether they’re in the deaf community or not). Sign language makes abstract concepts easier for children to grasp by letting them see and feel them through sign can can help their overall language skills. Learning sign language also gives daycare center children another form of communication, can improve speech development, and can give them a head start with language. There are many benefits of baby sign language, and signers can continue past the baby talk into ABC’s and far beyond using ASL.
There are many sign language resources available; child care providers can use these interactive and inviting sign language alphabet printable cards for your child care center. These alphabet printables can be used in myriad ways in your classroom!
Benefits of Sign Language
There are so many benefits for teaching sign language to young children:
To develop gross and fine motor skills
Foster early language development
Assist with letter recognition
Help build vocabulary
Develops focus
Boost self-confidence
Supports letter and word recall
Strengthen memory skills
Strengthen teacher/caregiver bonding
Foster a love of learning
If you haven’t incorporated sign language into your teaching yet, we encourage you to use these printables as a stepping stone and take the leap!
Check out all our other daycare printable templates.
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