Child Observation Report Template
Observations are the best way to assess children in preschool, and child classroom observation reports are really useful in order to gain insight into how each child is doing. As part of your classroom management, choose different children to observe on a regular basis, and fill out your key findings in this extremely user friendly form so that you can build content on each child. This is a key part of providing an effective learning environment, catering to the learning process of each child, and provides a type of report that allows caregivers to take notes about students’ progress in a way that can improve both the student learning and overall teaching practice.

Observation Report
Fill out these quick activity observation reports to gain insights into how each child is doing in preschool.
Child Observation Report Template
It is important to know the individual goals for each child so that you can try to observe them naturally when the opportunity arises. For a report example, in your pre-kindergarten classroom, if you know that Tommy has a lot of trouble with transitions, taking turns, and respecting others, and you see him join a friend to play a matching game, grab one of these activity observation reports and write down what you see happen. Be factual and use bullet points rather than full sentences so that you can do this with ease and “on the fly.”
Writing an observation report will help keep you accountable for when you need to meet with parents about specific goals and progress, will help back up your teaching methods, and will also help with lesson plan development and the professional development of teaching staff. Keep these observation paper templates handy on a clipboard and hang in your classroom!
Check out all our other daycare printable templates.
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