Promoting equity in early childhood education
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In this webinar we were welcomed by Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. and Jen Neitzel, Ph.D, from the Educational Equity Institute! Ebonyse and Jen are joined to discuss promoting equity in early childhood education. In this webinar, they explored topics surrounding equity in early childhood, including current inequities, root causes, barriers to change, and what a transformed early childhood system might look like. An important conversation all early childhood professionals. Keep reading to access the slides and recording!
Our Special Guests:
Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. – President of Educational Equity Institute
Ebonyse is the President of the Educational Equity Institute, a Certified Family Life Educator and holds a Doctorate of Education in Early Childhood from Concordia University Chicago. She earned a Master’s of Arts in Human Service Counseling also from Concordia and completed a second Master’s of Science in Family Studies from Texas Woman’s University. Ebonyse also has completed a Graduate Certificate in Anti-Racist Urban Education from UNC Charlotte. For 16 years, Ebonyse has been a devoted advocate, providing coordinated and comprehensive early childhood and family support services to improve educational and health outcomes for children and families of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Dr. Jen Neitzel, Ph.D.- Executive Director of Educational Equity Institute
Dr. Jen Neitzel is the Executive Director of the Educational Equity Institute, which is focused on eliminating the educational and opportunity gaps within communities through systems level change. Prior to this work, Jen was a Research Scientist and Technical Assistance Provider at FPG Child Development Institute at UNC-Chapel Hill for 15 years. During her time at FPG, her work focused on implicit bias; disparities in suspensions and expulsions; trauma; and culturally responsive anti-bias practices. Jen presents frequently at state and national conferences and is widely published in peer-reviewed journals. She also is the author of the book Achieving Equity and Justice in Education through the Work of Systems Change. Jen also is the co-editor and author of the upcoming book, Handbook of Racial Equity in Early Childhood Education (Spring 2023).
Key Learning Outcomes from Ebonyse & Jen!
- Children of color, particularly Black children, often experience disproportionate rates of suspension and expulsion and a lack of access to high quality instruction
- To achieve racial equity and create socially-just programs for all children, we must address the root causes of inequity by: refocusing our attention on challenging racism and inequitable structures, policies and practices; deconstructing whiteness as the norm in education, confronting issues of power and the privilege in our society, and engaging in efforts to heal racial trauma.
- Institutional racism occurs within institutions (such as childcare) and is a set of policies and practices that routinely produce inequitable outcomes for people of color and advantages for White people.
- Structural racism involves the cumulative and compounding effects of an array of societal factors that systemically privilege White people and disadvantage people of color.
- To achieve equity and social justice in education we need to examine the root causes of inequities, eliminate policies, practices and attitudes that perpetuate disparate outcomes, and enact policies and practices that address the root causes of inequity and promote better outcomes.
- [Website] – Educational Equity Institute
- [Instagram] – @edequityinstitute
- [Twitter]- @EdEquityIns
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Maddie is a Registered Early Childhood Educator with a Master's in Early Childhood Studies. Her specialty is in Children's Rights and she is currently a Content Strategist for HiMama!
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January 19th, 2023
8 mins

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